1. GOOGLE: The best search engine all over the world.and also the famous because of its accuracy,speed,the collection of data it provides to us.The founder of google are "Larry Page and Sergey brin".Google was founded on 4 September 1998.The chief executive officer of Google is Sundar Pichai.Its headquarter is in California. 2.MICROSOFT BING: Bing was launched by American company Microsoft in 28 may 2009.This search engine is in 2nd position.The founder of this search engin e is Steve ballmer.(he is also the CEO of bing).its headquarter is also in california. 3.YAHOO: Search engine which is in third position. this search engine is popular for providing emails. The founder of yahoo are Jerry Yang and David Filo".who founded in january 1994.its headquarters is in california,Usa,sunnyvale. 4.BAIDU: This search engine is famous in china.which holds fourth position from top.This was f ounded in 1january 2000 by Robin li and Eric Xu. This is also kn...